Well please don’t do it yet; read what the statistics prove first then see whether you still think it will be a good idea to have a flu shot.
Firstly, this is the list of some of what a flu shot contains;
1. Ethylene glycol or antifreeze
2. Phenol or carbolic acid a disinfectant and dye
3. Formaldehyde, a known cancer-causing agent
4. Aluminum, associated with Alzheimer's disease, seizures and cancer
5. Thimerosal, a mercury-containing organic compound associated with brain injury and autoimmune disease
6. Neomycin and Streptomycin, known to cause allergic reactions
Would you really want to inject your children, parents or spouse with this poisonous, carcinogenic cocktail?
According to the statistics of the government agency the CDC, your child has 3.46% more chance of dying from the shot than from the flu itself.
Did you know that while the United States makes up only five percent of the world's population, we consume over 50 percent of all the world's pharmaceutical drugs? BIG BIG MONEY!
Five consecutive flu shots, and your chance of getting Alzheimer's disease is ten times higher than if you had one, two or no shots! Flu shots contain 25 micrograms of mercury. One micro-gram is considered toxic.
1) avoid white sugar; all forms of refined sugar depress white blood cells' ability to destroy bacteria.
2) exercise regularly; increasing the blood flow improves your circulation thus the components of your immune system.
3) get adequate sleep; when you are tired daily tasks are harder to perform and your immune system finds it more difficult to fight off infection.
4) eat a healthy diet, omitting trans-fats;
5) drink plenty of purified water daily
6) wash your hands. A common way people contract viral illnesses is by rubbing their nose or their eyes after their hands have been contaminated with a virus. The CDC states, "the most important thing you can do to keep from getting sick is to wash your hands."
7) take vitamin D; vitamin D is the nutrient that activates your immune system to fight off infectious disease.
Our society is so used to taking medications for prevention and treatment, it is difficult to comprehend that these modest recommendations are really the most powerful ways to minimize the likelihood of getting the flu. Furthermore, in many instances the taking of drugs will actually inhibit the body’s natural ability to heal itself.
I try to do most of the above throughout the year, these are good general rules for better health, should I meet anyone with cold and flu symptoms, I recommend that they come in to the office to see me to ensure their nervous system is functioning at it’s best.
Yours in Health
Dr. J B Whitlow
It was Dr. Hugh Fudenberg, MD, the world's leading immunogeneticist, lead and published the research that proved the link between Alzheimer's disease and the flu shot.
An epidemiologist – a scientist who studies the patterns, causes and effects of health and disease conditions in defined populations - at the Cochrane Collaboration took a close look at the scientific evidence behind influenza vaccines. The total scope of the study encompassed 70,000 people. 15 out of the 36 trails were funded by the industry, so he warned that the results would ‘strongly favor the vaccine industry’
Even with nearly half of the studies industry funded the results show that in most circumstances, influenza vaccines are virtually worthless at best, dangerous at worst.
Furthermore the study concluded that vaccines had no effect on hospital admissions, working days lost or even the transmission of influenza.
In order to resolve the value of flu vaccines to children, Tom Jefferson, MD, and colleagues at the Cochrane Collaboration looked at over a thousand studies. They then selected 14 high-quality clinical trials in which vaccinated children had been compared with unvaccinated children. The combined results of these 14 trials were reported in the British medical journal ‘The Lancet’ (2/26/05). Here's the conclusion: “We recorded no convincing evidence that vaccines can reduce mortality, [hospital] admissions, serious complications, and community transmission of influenza.”
Another anomaly in the information put out by the CDC – Centers for Disease Control – is the number of deaths due to influenza each year. I’m sure you have heard the figure 36,000. They have used that number as an average since 2003. However the number is explained as being an estimate based on figures as little as 3,000 and up to 49,000 for flu associated deaths where flu-like symptoms were possibly a contributory factor.
However, quoting the CDC’s own MMWR – Morbidity and Morality Weekly Report - of May 14, 2011 (the last Flu report of the season) "This season 105 laboratory-confirmed influenza-associated pediatric deaths have been reported to CDC." And further when adults are also included: "From October 3, 2010 – May 21, 2011, 16,410 laboratory-confirmed influenza-associated hospitalizations and 311 laboratory-confirmed influenza-associated deaths were reported to CDC." 75% of these cases were individuals who had very serious illnesses already with seriously compromised immune systems.
735,105 is the approximate number of serious adverse reactions to the flu vaccine during the year 2011. A serious adverse reaction is where either convulsion occurs, loss of consciousness, secession of breathing or death.
David M. Burd Medical Technology Consultant
Dr. Fudenberg at the NVIC International Vaccine Conference
1. Ethylene glycol or antifreeze
2. Phenol or carbolic acid a disinfectant and dye
3. Formaldehyde, a known cancer-causing agent
4. Aluminum, associated with Alzheimer's disease, seizures and cancer
5. Thimerosal, a mercury-containing organic compound associated with brain injury and autoimmune disease
6. Neomycin and Streptomycin, known to cause allergic reactions
Would you really want to inject your children, parents or spouse with this poisonous, carcinogenic cocktail?
According to the statistics of the government agency the CDC, your child has 3.46% more chance of dying from the shot than from the flu itself.
Did you know that while the United States makes up only five percent of the world's population, we consume over 50 percent of all the world's pharmaceutical drugs? BIG BIG MONEY!
Five consecutive flu shots, and your chance of getting Alzheimer's disease is ten times higher than if you had one, two or no shots! Flu shots contain 25 micrograms of mercury. One micro-gram is considered toxic.
How to avoid catching the flu; stay well adjusted!
If your immune system is functioning at it’s optimal level, your chances succumbing to any virus are diminished!1) avoid white sugar; all forms of refined sugar depress white blood cells' ability to destroy bacteria.
2) exercise regularly; increasing the blood flow improves your circulation thus the components of your immune system.
3) get adequate sleep; when you are tired daily tasks are harder to perform and your immune system finds it more difficult to fight off infection.
4) eat a healthy diet, omitting trans-fats;
5) drink plenty of purified water daily
6) wash your hands. A common way people contract viral illnesses is by rubbing their nose or their eyes after their hands have been contaminated with a virus. The CDC states, "the most important thing you can do to keep from getting sick is to wash your hands."
7) take vitamin D; vitamin D is the nutrient that activates your immune system to fight off infectious disease.
Our society is so used to taking medications for prevention and treatment, it is difficult to comprehend that these modest recommendations are really the most powerful ways to minimize the likelihood of getting the flu. Furthermore, in many instances the taking of drugs will actually inhibit the body’s natural ability to heal itself.
I try to do most of the above throughout the year, these are good general rules for better health, should I meet anyone with cold and flu symptoms, I recommend that they come in to the office to see me to ensure their nervous system is functioning at it’s best.
Yours in Health
Dr. J B Whitlow
It was Dr. Hugh Fudenberg, MD, the world's leading immunogeneticist, lead and published the research that proved the link between Alzheimer's disease and the flu shot.
An epidemiologist – a scientist who studies the patterns, causes and effects of health and disease conditions in defined populations - at the Cochrane Collaboration took a close look at the scientific evidence behind influenza vaccines. The total scope of the study encompassed 70,000 people. 15 out of the 36 trails were funded by the industry, so he warned that the results would ‘strongly favor the vaccine industry’
Even with nearly half of the studies industry funded the results show that in most circumstances, influenza vaccines are virtually worthless at best, dangerous at worst.
Furthermore the study concluded that vaccines had no effect on hospital admissions, working days lost or even the transmission of influenza.
In order to resolve the value of flu vaccines to children, Tom Jefferson, MD, and colleagues at the Cochrane Collaboration looked at over a thousand studies. They then selected 14 high-quality clinical trials in which vaccinated children had been compared with unvaccinated children. The combined results of these 14 trials were reported in the British medical journal ‘The Lancet’ (2/26/05). Here's the conclusion: “We recorded no convincing evidence that vaccines can reduce mortality, [hospital] admissions, serious complications, and community transmission of influenza.”
Another anomaly in the information put out by the CDC – Centers for Disease Control – is the number of deaths due to influenza each year. I’m sure you have heard the figure 36,000. They have used that number as an average since 2003. However the number is explained as being an estimate based on figures as little as 3,000 and up to 49,000 for flu associated deaths where flu-like symptoms were possibly a contributory factor.
However, quoting the CDC’s own MMWR – Morbidity and Morality Weekly Report - of May 14, 2011 (the last Flu report of the season) "This season 105 laboratory-confirmed influenza-associated pediatric deaths have been reported to CDC." And further when adults are also included: "From October 3, 2010 – May 21, 2011, 16,410 laboratory-confirmed influenza-associated hospitalizations and 311 laboratory-confirmed influenza-associated deaths were reported to CDC." 75% of these cases were individuals who had very serious illnesses already with seriously compromised immune systems.
735,105 is the approximate number of serious adverse reactions to the flu vaccine during the year 2011. A serious adverse reaction is where either convulsion occurs, loss of consciousness, secession of breathing or death.
David M. Burd Medical Technology Consultant
Dr. Fudenberg at the NVIC International Vaccine Conference
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